Q & A From Adams & Associates

Clearly pro-union, and just as clearly needing to return to school to learn how to write, A&A is the worst-written, most biased questionnaire yet. Adams_questions

These guys are cheap too.   The did not provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope for a return copy.   And they are way out-of-date: no email response address either.
Sunday, September 11, 2010
Responses to Adams & Associates Questions

Unnamed Cowardly Entity,
Thanks for sending your list of questions.  I will answer all questions sent to me.  Additionally, I will comment on the bias, point of view, and errors in the questions sent.

Overall your product is one of the worst ones, with more than a dozen typographical mistakes and biased questions.  Hire a proofreader.

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I am Frank Perdicaro and am a candidate for Fountain Valley City Council.
My address is xxx xxxxx Avenue, Fountain Valley. My home phone is xxx xxx xxxx, and is an unlisted number, so please do not  publish it.  You can contact me by email at fperdicaro@att.net.

It is certainly presumptuous, and somewhat insulting to the civic ideal, to create a questionnaire without expressing the optional nature of a campaign committee.  More of the same — big-spending candidates with expansive plans and professionally run campaigns — will not fix or even slow the descent into chaos.   In the future, re-write your Questionnaire to reflect this reality, no matter how distasteful you might find reality.

I have no campaign committee.

Currently I have no political affiliation; the State of California calls me “independent”.  Occasionally I call myself “anti-spendemican”, a term I coined to summarize my distaste for the spend-spend-spend policies of the Democrats and Republicans.

I have not been elected to any political office, but have run before. Although I have been a part of many groups and committees in my professional career, in the political realm I have few appointments.

No union membership.

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Still no union membership, but yes I have been official or more than one association.

Yes I am familiar with PERS, but no I have no familial exposure to PERS

Yes, the current expansive and expensive retirement benefits for all  government workers should be terminated.  The same goes for Social Security,  Medicare and Medicade.  All of them were always and only frauds meant to steal from the many young workers.

To address the problem equitably, the plans should be disbanded, and the current value of the plans should be distributed to the employees based on actual years of service worked.  Workers are free to do whatever they want with their money.

The purpose of government is to secure the liberties of the people, not to provide former government workers medical care.

Yes, local governments should terminate, not reduce, defined-benefit pensions.  All government employees, new or old, should not have defined benefit pension plans.

As long as we continue the post-WWII trifurcation of fungibility of the US dollar, employees should pay 100% of their retirement costs.  Employers should not pay any retirement costs.  If you are not familiar with the trifurcated fungibility you should not be sending out questions on pension plans and medical insurance.

No, no employee regardless of his or her “level” should receive special treatments.  All should share in nothing equally.

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Obamacare is an abomination and is only an effective approach to bankrupting the United States.

Rights are things inherent in man; either one has them or one does not. Humans are imperfect; on this earth there is no such thing as a neutral arbitrator. Your question should be rephrased.

Collective bargaining for employees of the State of California and its subventions is not a right, but rather an administrative fiction created by Jerry Brown back in the early 1970s.  Nobody outside organized labor supports such nonsense.

Collective bargaining impasses should be resolved by terminating all effected employees, removing the union responsible for the problem, and then going after the union officials for the cost of remediation.

Rights are inherent in man; there is no “right to strike”.  Any employee that refuses to do his job should be fired.

A & B: Cities should feel free to reduce employee salaries, benefits and count. C: Layoffs should be based on reality, and seniority has little to do with reality. Old, useless positions should be eliminated first, then new useless positions.

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As a Fountain Valley City Council member, I will pursue two paths.  First, I will work to make clear that lies told to City employees in the past were not accompanied by funding.  There is no money to pay what was promised, and there never will be.  The culture of entitlement will need to be exterminated.  Second, I will work to shrink the complexity of government so enterprise can flourish, both in absolute terms and relative to the
surrounding communities.   Fountain Valley does not work hard enough to make it easy for businesses to move to or expand in the City.

False choice.  Government service is not a competitive enterprise.  It is service! In order to keep the size of government as small as possible, employees of governments should be paid as little as possible, without regard to pay and benefits in the productive parts of society.

The top 3 issues facing my jurisdiction are the same as in so many other place in California.
1) How can Fountain Valley spend less so the expense is matched to the income?  The City must shrink as the tax base shrinks, as the tax payers are already overburdened.

2) How can the existing unfunded liabilities and absurdly expensive contracts with City employees be cut, crushed, renegotiated, deleted, etc.? City employees, and particularly members of public service unions, will be reluctant to face the reality of lower income, bankrupt pension plans, and bankrupt health care plans.

3) The City has a bit of a problem with the notion of freedom. From complex building codes to profoundly unconstitutional firearms laws, the City of  Fountain Valley needs to understand more clearly that the purpose of government is to secure the liberties of the people, not to perpetuate itself.

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